Article by-Berntsen Buhl
Getting the family together for a camping adventure can be some great fun for everyone involved. When planning your camping trip, having some great advice and suggestions makes the difference in your enjoyment as well. Take a look at this article to soak in excellent tips that will have you out the door and in the great outdoors in no time.
Always take more water than you think you will use when you go on a camping trip. Many times, people forget how much water is needed. It is used for drinking, washing dishes and hands, cooking and even brushing your teeth. Water is not something you want to be without.
If you are planning any kind of backcountry camping, a must carry item is a fire starter kit. If you are in a survival situation, fire is a way to cook, keep you warm, purify water, and signal for help. Many camping stores sell fire starters that can be used when wet and do not require any fuel. Also, try making fire when you are not in a survival situation so you know you can do it if the need arises.
Purchase a quality tent. It can be tempting to score a good deal on a tent, but you want to find something that can hold both you, your family members and your belongings. Try visiting a store that specializes in outdoor gear. They tend to have well-made products that will last for a while.
While you have this vision of a fun-filled camping trip, many times scrapes and cuts just seem to come with all that fun. Be sure you take a first-aid kit with you into nature because accidents just happen, and it's always better to be safe than sorry. Hopefully, it will stay packed safely away, but you will have the peace of mind that you are prepared if something does happen.
What Size Do Tents Come In?
A major mistake that campers make is they will get lost on occasion. Do not let this happen to you. If you are unfamiliar with the area you are camping in or if you are in a wilderness area, do not stray too far from your campsite. A portable GPS is an excellent investment if you are planning any kind of wilderness camping adventure.
Before you bring your dog along for a camping trip, get him used to the idea with a little practice run in the back yard. Pitch the tent in an already familiar area, and let him sleep or play in it for a while. Bringing a dog can really add to the fun of camping, so long as the animal has been adequately prepared for the event.
What Is The Difference Between Glamping And Camping?
Make sure you have a suitable water source. Even if you bring water with you, plan to need more water and know where you will be able to get more. It is a good idea to know where your water source will be before you go camping at all, but surely right after you arrive.
Try to schedule activities for your children such as board games or card games. If you're settled among the trees, they may become bored. They may not know how to fish or pitch tents. Take the time to demonstrate the activities prior to leaving, especially if they've never really lived outdoors.
Bring a first aid kit. Camping is fun. It can also be a bit dangerous. Always be prepared. Small scrapes and rashes can be especially common out in nature. Bring along an emergency first aid kit full of anything you might need. You'll be happy you did if something goes wrong.
What Size Do Tents Come In?
Just because your tent is labeled waterproof, do not count on it to keep you dry when it rains. Pack a couple extra-large tarps to take along with you. Use one to set on the ground under your tent and keep one dry to use to cover your tent if it looks like it is going to rain hard.
Make sure you have cover in case of rain. When you're out in the woods, a rainstorm can be wet, cold and uncomfortable. Make sure you have some kind of protection against the rain, whether it be a tent, cabin or lean-to. In a pinch, you can use a garbage bag as a poncho!
Be sure to check your first-aid kit before you leave for your trip. You need to be sure it has all the basic necessities. Make sure it includes items like bandages, tweezers, disinfectant, ointment, etc. You never know when something may injure you or another person on your trip, so it's best to be prepared.
Be mindful of the environment when you go camping. Whatever you carry into a campsite, make sure that you remove it when you leave. This will eliminate litter and protect the natural environment. Before leaving, the area you have inhabited should be as clean as you would want it if you were just arriving to camp there that day.
Never park your vehicle under a single tree when you are at a campsite. If there is a storm, it will attract lightning. This also means that you should avoid sleeping under any trees that are in a particular area by themselves. Try to be in an area that is free of trees or one that has many.
Remember to choose a sleeping bag that is suitable for the season you are camping in. So a lighter bag for summers and a heavier and thicker bag for winter time. Conversely, you'll need a heavy bag during cold winter nights to keep you from freezing.
Take along a battery operated radio when camping. A radio will keep you up-to-date on any late-breaking news and weather reports.
have a peek at this site will also give you entertainment during those quiet evenings sitting around the campfire. Or if you prefer, pack a guitar for you and your campers' enjoyment.
Always carry a first-aid kit with you while camping. It should include bandages, antibiotic ointment, wrap bandages for sprains and strains, and peroxide or alcohol for cleaning wounds. Scissors, tweezers and other small tools can be used to remove splinters or ticks. Antacids, over-the-counter pain medicines, and allergy medicines should also be included.
The climate in which you are camping will determine the type of tent that you need. If you are not going to be in cold and windy climates, you will not need a tent that is built for it. Do your research about tents before you buy one to be sure it will keep you warm and dry when you need it to.
Some members of your camping party might not be thrilled about being in the great outdoors. Others might not feel like you have packed all that you need, and everyone needs entertainment. This article has provided you with a number of ideas you can use to make sure that your camping trip is an all-around success.